CURSOR - move cursor to specified position

CURsor Column


CURsor Screen row [col]

CURsor [Escreen] UP|DOWN

CURsor [Escreen|Kedit] LEFT|RIGHT

CURsor [Escreen] row [col]


CURsor CMdline [n]


CURsor File line [col]

CURsor GOTO line col

CURsor Mouse

CURsor Prefix

The CURSOR command allows the user to specify where the cursor is to be positioned.

CURSOR Column moves the cursor to the current column of the focus line .

CURSOR Screen UP | DOWN | LEFT | RIGHT moves the cursor in the indicated direction one line or column. If the cursor is positioned on the first or last line of the screen, the cursor wraps to the first or last enterable line. If the cursor is positioned on the left or right edges of the screen, the cursor moves to the left or right edge of the screen on the same line.

CURSOR Screen row [ col ] is similar to CURSOR Escreen row [ col ], but all coordinates are relative the the top left corner of the screen, not the top left corner of the filearea . Hence, 1,1 would be an invalid cursor position because it would result in the cursor being moved to the idline . Specification of row and/or col outside the boundaries of the logical window is regarded as an error.

CURSOR [ Escreen ] UP | DOWN | LEFT | RIGHT is similar to CURSOR Screen UP | DOWN | LEFT | RIGHT , except that where scrolling of the window is possible, then scrolling will take place.

CURSOR [ Escreen ] row [ col ] moves the cursor to the specified row / col position within the filearea . The top left corner of the filearea is 1,1. row and col may be specified as '=' , which will default to the current row and/or column position. If row or col are greater than the maximum number of rows or columns in the filearea , the cursor will move to the last row/column available. If the specified row is a reserved line , scale line or tab line an error will be displayed. If the row specified is above the Top-of-File line or below the Bottom-of-File line the cursor will be placed on the closest one of these lines.

CURSOR Kedit LEFT | RIGHT mimics the default behaviour of CURL and CURR in KEDIT.

CURSOR CUA UP | DOWN | LEFT | RIGHT moves the cursor in the indicated direction one line or column. The behaviour of the cursor at the the end of a line and at the start of a line is consistent with the Common User Access (CUA) definition.

CURSOR CMdline moves the cursor to the indicated column of the command line .

CURSOR HOME moves the cursor to the first column of the command line (if not on the command line), or to the last row/column of the filearea if on the command line . With the [ SAVE ] option, the cursor will move to the last row/column of the filearea or prefix area (which ever was the last position) if on the command line .

CURSOR File moves the cursor to the line and column of the file. If the line and/or column are not currently displayed, an error message is displayed.

CURSOR GOTO moves the cursor to the specified line and column of the file, whether the row and column are currently displayed or not. If the line and col are currently displayed, then this command behaves just like CURSOR File . If not, then the current line will be changed to the specified line .

CURSOR Mouse moves the cursor to the position where a mouse button was last activated. This command is specific to THE.

CURSOR PREFIX moves the cursor to the first column of the prefix area (if not in the prefix area), or to the first column of the filearea if in the prefix area . This command has no effect if run from the command line . This command replaces TABPRE.

XEDIT: Compatible.
KEDIT: Compatible. Added GOTO and PREFIX option.


The Hessling Editor is Copyright © Mark Hessling, 1990-2006 <>
Generated on: 30 Jan 2006

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